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Arduino IDE setup


Installation video

In this short video we explain the installation of the Arduino IDE and also show how to install our OpenSource Rancilio-PID on the NodeMCU. Have fun!

installation Video


Needed to transfer the program code onto the controller.

Link to Arduino

Screenshot of the Arduino Website

The program code

You can download the program code from the current release.

Link to Github Repository

Screenshot of the Github Website

Installation of Arduino IDE

Arduino Installation

Help on how to install the Arduino IDE can be found at Arduino Website.

After succesful installation, Arduino IDE can be started from the Start menu

Arduino preferences

Boards Manager URL

Before we can use NodeMCU in Arduino IDE, we have to set up an additional Boards Manager URL

You can find it under: File > Preferences

Key Value
Boards Manager URL

Windows Arduino Preferences

Linux (Ubuntu)

Linux (Ubuntu)

installing board drivers

Drivers for ESP8266 version 2.6.3 have to be installed next.

The ESP8266 board driver has breaking changes in version 3.0, you have to use version 2.6.3!!!

You can find those under Tools > Board: “[<Version>]” > Boards Manager…


Windows Arduino Boards Manager

Linux (Ubuntu)

Linux (Ubuntu) Boards Manager

Please install the current version

Typ <All> > “esp”: “esp8266 by ESP8266 Community

ESP8266 install

The Arduino IDE setup is done now, we will continue with the libraries

installing libraries

The easiest and safest way to install all libraries correctly is to use the libraries from Github. You should have downloaded them already (see Programmcode). Just copy the whole folder into the Arduino libraries folder

OS Arduino Libraries Folder
Windows My Documents\Arduino\libraries\
OSX ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries/
Linux ~/Arduino/libraries

As usual, it is recommended to get more information from the official guide: Link.

Board setup

After all libraries have been installed, it should look like this:

Everything is now prepared for setting up Blynk and flashing of the actual code on the NodeMCU.